Prioritizing Children: Child-Centred Approach to Research, Policymaking and Wellbeing
The webinar seeks to explore the transformative potential of child-centred research methodologies, where children are recognized as competent actors and co-creators in shaping their own lives. Through insightful presentations and discussions, we will explore how adopting child-centred approaches can lead to more meaningful research outcomes and positively impact policy and practice.
SØREN SINDBERG JENSEN, PhD, University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Design, Media and Educational Science
BARBARA GORNIK, PhD, Science and Research Centre Koper, Institute for Social Studies
BIANCA BAßLER, PhD; LISA ROSEN, PhD; FENNA TOM DIECK, M.A., University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Institute for General Educational Science, Department of Intercultural Education
Discussion and Q&A session will follow (moderated by Mateja Sedmak).
The event is organized by the Institute for Social Studies, Science and Research Centre Koper as a part of COORDINATE project. To register for the webinar, please click on the following link: registration.
The webinar will take place via Zoom platform.