Getting started with secondary analysis

Participants will learn about the key issues to consider when using secondary data analysis as a method. This introductory workshop will briefly cover the pros and cons of reusing data and the importance of learning about the origins of your data. Quantitative and qualitative secondary analysis will be discussed with examples and issues of context, […]

Introduction to copyright: Copyright issues in secondary data use

This second session on copyright focuses on copyright considerations in the context of secondary data use. The first session, “Introduction to copyright: Copyright and publishing” provides an overview on copyright considerations in both publishing and teaching. This free 90-minute online workshop will cover the following issues: Secondary data and its common sources.Copyright ownership and duration.Copyright […]

Data Spaces & Semantic Interoperability

The continuously increasing number of data spaces and data markets in Europe, as well as the related funding lines and regulations by the European Commission (for instance the Data Governance Act and several programme lines in Horizon Europe and Digital Europe) regarding the topics of (secure) data sharing of industrial and personal related data as […]

IASSIST 2022 – Data by Design: Building a Sustainable Data Culture

The conference theme, “Data by Design: Building a Sustainable Data Culture”, emphasizes two core values embedded in the culture of Gothenburg and Sweden: design and sustainability. See you in Gothenburg in 2022! We invite you to explore these topics further and discuss what they could mean to data communities. The Swedish National Data Service (SND) […]

Mapping crime data in R: An Introduction to GIS and spatial data

Do you want to display crime data on maps but don’t know how? Crime data often contains spatial components. As a result, analyses of crime data can create patterns that are clearly linked to geography. Naturally, putting the data or analysis on a map makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, if you have never matched […]

Mapping crime data in R: Live code demonstration

Do you want to display crime data on maps but don’t know how? Crime data often contains spatial components. As a result, analyses of crime data can create patterns that are clearly linked to geography. Naturally, putting the data or analysis on a map makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, if you have never matched […]

International Data Week 2022 – Data to Improve our World

International Data Week (IDW) brings together data scientists, researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers and data stewards from disciplines across the globe to explore how best to exploit the data revolution to improve science and society through data-driven discovery and innovation. IDW combines the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Plenary Meeting, the biannual meeting of this international member organisation working […]

Webinar “Uloga časopisa u poticanju pristupa istraživačkim podacima”

Hrvatska udruga za znanstvenu komunikaciju – ZNAK i Hrvatski arhiv podataka za društvene znanosti CROSSDA organiziraju webinar “Uloga časopisa u poticanju pristupa istraživačkim podacima” koji će se održati 5. srpnja 2022. od 14:00 do 15:30, uz pomož platforme Zoom. Prijavite se na adresi: Dostupnost istraživačkih podataka uz članke koji se objavljuju u časopisima polako, […]

The CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School

Hybrid - Online and In-Person

An ICTP Hybrid Meeting. You can submit your application for participation in presence or online.This activity focuses on building a range of data-related skills that are vital for addressing trans-disciplinary challenges in contemporary research work.The Summer School builds competence in data analysis and security for participants from all disciplines and/ or backgrounds from sciences to […]

Online workshop: Using the Geographical Information System QGIS for data analysis

Geographical and georeferenced data are gaining increasing importance in social science research. For example, it is becoming more common to add geographical data related to the social or physical environment as contextual variables to social surveys or to aggregate social survey results at various geographical scales. Using geographical data in our research necessitates additional analytical […]

GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology 2022

Every August since 2012, the Summer School in Survey Methodology usually takes place at GESIS in Cologne, Germany. Lecturers and participants from all over the world and from many different fields come to Cologne to take part in Europe’s leading summer school on survey methodology, research design, and data collection – recommended by the European Survey […]