Webinar “Uloga časopisa u poticanju pristupa istraživačkim podacima”
Hrvatska udruga za znanstvenu komunikaciju – ZNAK i Hrvatski arhiv podataka za društvene znanosti CROSSDA organiziraju webinar “Uloga časopisa u poticanju pristupa istraživačkim podacima” koji će se održati 5. srpnja […]
The CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School
Hybrid - Online and In-PersonAn ICTP Hybrid Meeting. You can submit your application for participation in presence or online.This activity focuses on building a range of data-related skills that are vital for addressing trans-disciplinary […]
Online workshop: Using the Geographical Information System QGIS for data analysis
Geographical and georeferenced data are gaining increasing importance in social science research. For example, it is becoming more common to add geographical data related to the social or physical environment […]
GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology 2022
Every August since 2012, the Summer School in Survey Methodology usually takes place at GESIS in Cologne, Germany. Lecturers and participants from all over the world and from many different […]
26th Summer School in Social Science Methods
Hybrid - Online and In-PersonThe Summer School in Social Science Methods has been conceived for those who feel the need to refresh, deepen and widen their methodological knowledge and skills, whatever their professional situation: […]
University of Maribor Open Science Summer School
Skills and competencies related to data literacy and data management are indispensable in today’s data-intensive research environment, both in STEM as well as in the humanities and social sciences. In […]
New Data Types in Data Management and Archiving
Summary New Data Types in Data Management and Archiving workshop will focus on the management, archiving and access to new types of data, i.e. administrative, transactional and social media data. […]
eRImote 1st workshop: Remote training for RI users and staff & User interactions and networking in remote/digital service provision
Summary In this first workshop of the eRImote project, we will focus on remote training for RI users and staff, as well as exploring the impact of remote/digital service provision […]
Ecological consumption and production
A clean environment and sustainability are of fundamental importance for human health and well-being. Therefore, we are organizing a timely data discovery event on Ecological consumption and production. There will […]
Laboratorij za učenje i poučavanje Katedre za obrazovne znanosti Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Učiteljskog fakulteta organizira treći otvoreni online susret u formi meetup-a na kojem će sudionici razmijeniti iskustva o programima […]
Train the Trainer: Anonymisation for data sharing in practice
Summary The goal of this event is to show trainers the tools they need to teach the fundamentals of data anonymisation and disclosure control in training sessions while also giving […]
International conference on research infrastructures
A major worldwide event providing an opportunity for strategic discussions about international cooperation in research infrastructure. A variety of experts and stakeholders discuss challenges and emerging trends, highlighting the essential […]