eRImote 2nd workshop: Data Security and remote operations of RI services

Summary In this second workshop of the eRImote project, we will focus on Remote Operations of RI services (including quality management) and questions of Data and Access Security. The workshop will be taking place virtually on 24th October 1-5pm CEST and 25th October 2022 from 10am – 2pm CEST. Description We will explore the topics […]

How to Ensure Researchers Share Their FAIR Data: Practical Tips and Tools (Train-the-Trainer Workshop)

Summary Want to ensure researchers share their FAIR data? The Austrian Social Science Data Archive, the Czech Social Science Data Archive, and UK Data Service are jointly organising an interactive train-the-trainer event to empower professional practitioners and support staff in ensuring researchers make their data available for re-use. Description We invite you to join us […]

DARIAH Innovation Forum #2 in Dublin: Bringing Together DARIAH and the Industries

The second DARIAH Innovation Forum will take place on 3 November, from 9:30 to 19:00 GMT in Dublin, Ireland (hybrid event). During this packed 1-day event panel presentations, a keynote and an innovation challenge will highlight DARIAH’s relations with traditional and digital industries.Scope The 2022 Innovation Forum will focus on the question of how a […]

Journal and Data Archive Collaboration Forum

Summary The availability of research data underlying articles published in journals is becoming a common practice in scientific communication. The European Commission and other funders of scientific research have set high expectations for scientists towards openness and availability of scientific work and results. Scientific publishers, through journals and scholarly publications are the main point of […]

Expert workshop ‘Making the most of mobile phone data to map migration’

Hybrid - Online and In-Person

Data gaps in migration research have many causes, including inconsistencies in the definitions and data collection methodology, lack of adequate statistics and lacking data on irregular migration. Mobile phone data, if properly used, can provide valuable insights about the mobility of people within a country, and for movements across the borders. The HumMingBird EU project […]

How to become a computational social scientist

Scientific research and teaching are increasingly influenced by computational tools, methods and paradigms. The social sciences are no different, with many new forms of social data only available or practical through computational means (Kitchen, 2014). While social science research has always been marked by technological approaches to some degree, the field of computational social science […]

EDDI22 – European DDI User Conference

Hybrid - Online and In-Person

EDDI22 is organized jointly by CDSP , Center for Socio-Political Data, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and IDSC of IZA – International Data Service Center of the Institute for the Study of Labor.   The EDDI22 Conference website is at:   It will be hosted by Sciences Po in their buildings at Rue Saint-Peres, […]

GESIS Meet the experts: “Linking surveys with electoral integrity assessments to explain political trust”

This talk presents a linking approach that combines expert assessments on electoral integrity with survey data to study how electoral integrity affects the way in which election results translate into citizen attitudes towards the political system. It introduces a causal mechanism that links political losing to political trust via evaluations of electoral fairness: citizens who […]

1st ISSP User Conference “Social Inequality”

Since 1986, the ISSP has provided high-quality data on attitudes and behaviors on important societal issues such as family, health, work, religion, the role of government, social inequality, the environment, national identity and citizenship, social networks, or leisure and sports. The newly launched ISSP User Conference Series is designed to provide a platform for the […]

Reproducibility and confidential or proprietary data: can it be done?

CRRESS invites you to join our December webinar “Reproducibility and confidential or proprietary data: can it be done?“. Paulo Guimarães (Banco de Portugal, BPLIM), John Horton (MIT), Lars Vilhuber (Cornell University) compose the panel. Aleksandr Michuda (Cornell University) will moderate the session. The fourth panel of CRRESS, The Conference on Reproducibility and Replicability in Economics […]

Teaching with census data

Census 2021 will provide demographic, employment, housing and other characteristics about local populations at neighbourhood level. This free workshop is designed to enable those teaching undergraduate students to use this local material to explore substantive questions related to their discipline. The aims of the workshop are to enable participants to be able to: Appreciate the […]

Safe Researcher Training

This Safe Researcher Training (SRT) course is intended for researchers who will be, or are in the process of, applying for access to controlled data in the UK Data Service Secure Lab. It is also suitable for researchers who will be accessing controlled data in other secure environments, such as the ONS Secure Research Service […]