26th Summer School in Social Science Methods
Hybrid - Online and In-PersonThe Summer School in Social Science Methods has been conceived for those who feel the need to refresh, deepen and widen their methodological knowledge and skills, whatever their professional situation: student, researcher or practitioner. Even in COVID-19 times, researchers should take care of improving your methodological skills: we guarantee the organization of the 26th Summer […]
University of Maribor Open Science Summer School
Skills and competencies related to data literacy and data management are indispensable in today’s data-intensive research environment, both in STEM as well as in the humanities and social sciences. In recent years, there has been a significant shift in scientific communication towards open science, and many new approaches, tools and technologies have emerged, enabling a […]
New Data Types in Data Management and Archiving
Summary New Data Types in Data Management and Archiving workshop will focus on the management, archiving and access to new types of data, i.e. administrative, transactional and social media data. The program will consist of four presentations tackling various issues related to handling the new types of data in data repositories and sharing these data […]
eRImote 1st workshop: Remote training for RI users and staff & User interactions and networking in remote/digital service provision
Summary In this first workshop of the eRImote project, we will focus on remote training for RI users and staff, as well as exploring the impact of remote/digital service provision on user interaction and networking. The workshop consists of two 4-hour sessions split across 21/09 and 22/09 and take place virtually. Description We will explore […]
Ecological consumption and production
A clean environment and sustainability are of fundamental importance for human health and well-being. Therefore, we are organizing a timely data discovery event on Ecological consumption and production. There will be a brief introduction of the organizing data archive (ČSDA) and some of the data it contains regarding the environment and sustainability in a broader […]
Laboratorij za učenje i poučavanje Katedre za obrazovne znanosti Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Učiteljskog fakulteta organizira treći otvoreni online susret u formi meetup-a na kojem će sudionici razmijeniti iskustva o programima za provjeru statističkih podataka u znanstvenim radovima. Naglasak će biti na korištenju programa STATCHECK kao primjeru programa koji provjerava točnost i usklađenost statističkih podataka i […]
Train the Trainer: Anonymisation for data sharing in practice
Summary The goal of this event is to show trainers the tools they need to teach the fundamentals of data anonymisation and disclosure control in training sessions while also giving them hands-on experience with current open source technologies (sdcMicro). Description Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable growth in both the need […]
International conference on research infrastructures
A major worldwide event providing an opportunity for strategic discussions about international cooperation in research infrastructure. A variety of experts and stakeholders discuss challenges and emerging trends, highlighting the essential role of research infrastructures.
eRImote 2nd workshop: Data Security and remote operations of RI services
Summary In this second workshop of the eRImote project, we will focus on Remote Operations of RI services (including quality management) and questions of Data and Access Security. The workshop will be taking place virtually on 24th October 1-5pm CEST and 25th October 2022 from 10am – 2pm CEST. Description We will explore the topics […]
How to Ensure Researchers Share Their FAIR Data: Practical Tips and Tools (Train-the-Trainer Workshop)
Summary Want to ensure researchers share their FAIR data? The Austrian Social Science Data Archive, the Czech Social Science Data Archive, and UK Data Service are jointly organising an interactive train-the-trainer event to empower professional practitioners and support staff in ensuring researchers make their data available for re-use. Description We invite you to join us […]
DARIAH Innovation Forum #2 in Dublin: Bringing Together DARIAH and the Industries
The second DARIAH Innovation Forum will take place on 3 November, from 9:30 to 19:00 GMT in Dublin, Ireland (hybrid event). During this packed 1-day event panel presentations, a keynote and an innovation challenge will highlight DARIAH’s relations with traditional and digital industries.Scope The 2022 Innovation Forum will focus on the question of how a […]
Journal and Data Archive Collaboration Forum
Summary The availability of research data underlying articles published in journals is becoming a common practice in scientific communication. The European Commission and other funders of scientific research have set high expectations for scientists towards openness and availability of scientific work and results. Scientific publishers, through journals and scholarly publications are the main point of […]