Data in the spotlight: Census and population studies

This free 90-minute online workshop will introduce you to the UK Census, the data held by the UK Data Service, and how to use the web interfaces to access the data. There will also be up to date information on the progress of the 2021 Census for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the 2022 […]

Online workshop: Using the statistical language R as a Geographic Information System

This event is a hands-on workshop on Geographic Information Systems for social scientists with some experience in R. Geospatial data have become an emerging topic in social science research. When we aim to use these data in our study, we have to rely on a set of analytical skills facilitated by the exploitation of Geographic […]

Filozofski za 21. stoljeće u kontekstu EU projekata

U ponedjeljak 29. studenoga 2021. na Filozofskom fakultetu održat će se manifestacija pod nazivom ”Filozofski za 21. stoljeće u kontekstu EU projekata”. Na manifestaciji će se predstaviti aktualni međunarodni projekti Filozofskog fakulteta. Cilj događanja je predstaviti doprinos međunarodnih projekata pozitivnim promjenama u znanstveno-nastavnom radu na Filozofskom fakultetu. Događanje se organizira u okviru Dana otvorenih vrata […]

Data in the spotlight: Longitudinal data

This online workshop will present an overview of the longitudinal studies available via the UK Data Service, the key features of longitudinal surveys and the policy relevance (impact) of the information they contain, how to access the data, undertake exploratory online analysis and get further help. Did you know that longitudinal data from major social […]

Data Description and Metadata – What it takes to produce a good one?

Finding relevant research data is tremendously easier if the data are described in detail using controlled vocabularies and discipline-specific metadata. But this is still not enough. Data descriptions should be descriptions of data, scope, collection methods and use, not published research outputs and results. This skill is important for anyone describing research data in repository […]

SSHOC Final Conference: Advancing SSH Research with SSHOCingly good and sustainable resources

The conference brings together Research infrastructures, Researchers, Research Libraries and Archives, EOSC key-players, industry and policymakers from the Social Sciences and Humanities and beyond. From January 2019 to April 2022 SSHOC transformed the current social sciences & humanities data landscape with its disciplinary silos and separate facilities into an integrated, cloud-based network of interconnected data […]

Persistent Identification of Instruments

Instruments play an essential role in creating research data but they are often only identified in the scientific literature using free text. Through the use of globally unique, persistent identifiers (PIDs), it is now common practice to establish traceable links between research assets. This webinar introduces the Outputs of the RDA Persistent Identification of Instruments […]

Introduction to copyright: Copyright and publishing

This workshop is the first of two on ‘Introduction to Copyright’. The first session focuses on copyright considerations in the context of publishing while the second session focuses on copyright issues in secondary data use. Copyright is an area of scholarly communications that affects every researcher at some stage of their academic career. Engaging with […]

Getting started with secondary analysis

Participants will learn about the key issues to consider when using secondary data analysis as a method. This introductory workshop will briefly cover the pros and cons of reusing data and the importance of learning about the origins of your data. Quantitative and qualitative secondary analysis will be discussed with examples and issues of context, […]

Introduction to copyright: Copyright issues in secondary data use

This second session on copyright focuses on copyright considerations in the context of secondary data use. The first session, “Introduction to copyright: Copyright and publishing” provides an overview on copyright considerations in both publishing and teaching. This free 90-minute online workshop will cover the following issues: Secondary data and its common sources.Copyright ownership and duration.Copyright […]