University of Maribor Open Science Summer School

Skills and competencies related to data literacy and data management are indispensable in today’s data-intensive research environment, both in STEM as well as in the humanities and social sciences. In […]

New Data Types in Data Management and Archiving

Summary New Data Types in Data Management and Archiving workshop will focus on the management, archiving and access to new types of data, i.e. administrative, transactional and social media data. […]

Ecological consumption and production

A clean environment and sustainability are of fundamental importance for human health and well-being. Therefore, we are organizing a timely data discovery event on Ecological consumption and production. There will […]


Laboratorij za učenje i poučavanje Katedre za obrazovne znanosti Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Učiteljskog fakulteta organizira treći otvoreni online susret u formi meetup-a na kojem će sudionici razmijeniti iskustva o programima […]

International conference on research infrastructures

A major worldwide event providing an opportunity for strategic discussions about international cooperation in research infrastructure. A variety of experts and stakeholders discuss challenges and emerging trends, highlighting the essential […]

Journal and Data Archive Collaboration Forum

Summary The availability of research data underlying articles published in journals is becoming a common practice in scientific communication. The European Commission and other funders of scientific research have set […]