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17.06.24. @ 00:00 - 21.06.24. @ 00:00 CEST
Introduction to life course research and sequence analysis
Exploring youth trajectories with the Catalan Youth Survey Dataset
Barcelona, 17-21 June 2024
The Horizon 2020 project “Cohort community research and development infrastructure network for access throughout Europe” (COORDINATE) aims to increase the visibility and use of data regarding the wellbeing of children and adolescents in Europe. A total of three summer schools are being conducted to promote cohort panel research in Europe by facilitating researchers’ access to relevant data platforms and teaching appropriate analysis techniques.
The third COORDINATE Summer School will be held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona, from June 17-21, 2024. The focus is on learning and applying specific methods for the analysis of trajectories using sequence analysis and TraMineR. The programme includes modules on life course perspective, longitudinal methods, data analysis techniques and data structures, sequence analysis and typologies of sequences. It also includes an introductory and brief module on event history analysis that can be integrated with sequence analysis techniques. The analysis will be based on the Catalan Youth Survey dataset, an official statistic of the Catalan Government.
The event is open for up to 24 researchers working in EU Member States and Associated Countries. Up to 20 participants will have their travel and accommodation expenses reimbursed.
· Understanding the foundations and applications of longitudinal methods in social sciences.
· Familiarising with the theoretical and methodological approach of the life course perspective.
· Understanding the characteristics and structure of longitudinal data.
· Describing and analysing data sequences using the basic functions of the R package TraMineR.
· Creating typologies of sequences using single channel and multichannel sequence analysis.
· Familiarising with the basic concepts of event history analysis and its relationship with sequence analysis.
The course will be held in Campus Ciutadella (Ramon Trias Fargas street, n. 25-27) of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona.
Slovenian Social Science Data Archives from the University of Ljubljana organize the course with the collaboration of the Catalan Youth Agency and the support of the JOVIS.com Research Group (Pompeu Fabra University) and of the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work (Autonomous University of Barcelona).
Application Process and Eligibility
A total of 24 participants will be selected based on research experience, scientific competence and analytical interest. Bursaries are available for up to 20 researchers working in EU Member States or Associated Countries (to max 1,500 EUR per person). Interested persons from the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and non-EU research institutes may apply but will have to cover their own accommodation and travel costs.
We welcome researchers from any stage of their academic career and from any academic field. However, applicants should have basic knowledge of quantitative research methods and statistical analysis. Notions of the R programming language are recommended but not mandatory.
Researchers from COORDINATE partner institutions who are not involved in the COORDINATE project are eligible to apply. However, as the objective of the project is to widen the network of researchers using child well-being data, only a limited number of places will be awarded to applicants from COORDINATE partner institutions.
PhD students are eligible to apply. However, master’s or bachelor’s students are not eligible.
Please fill in the application form. Additionally to the contact information, you will be asked to provide:
· Short Curriculum Vitae (max 1 page).
· Summary of relevant research experience, including a short assessment of your skills regarding statistical software packages (max ½ page).
· Brief description of specific research interests, focusing on data analysis interests and needs (max ½ page).
· Please state if you have participated in other activities of the COORDINATE project.
Applications must be received by the 3rd of April 2024.
Selection procedure
Priority will be given to established researchers in the field, and to applicants from low GDP countries. Gender balance and geographical diversity will also be taken into account.
The applications will be reviewed by a committee, which will score each application based on the information provided in the application form.
Applicants will be notified about the decision by the 16th of April 2024.
· Administration (registration, bursaries, etc.): Ana Inkret, ana.inkret@fdv.uni-lj.si
· Logistics (accommodation, arrival, etc.): Sara Molins, smolins@gencat.cat
· Contents: Pau Serracant Melendres, pserracant@gencat.cat
More details about the summer school can be found here.